The lack of time, the rush of day to day and the thousand and one things that have to be done on a daily basis make 66 % of Spanish women feel stressed and pressured despite the fact that they have made progress in terms of equality with respect to men. Men and control more spending decisions, progressing […]

Women with a higher level of stress are in Spain, France and Italy

The lack of time, the rush of day to day and the thousand and one things that have to be done on a daily basis make 66 % of Spanish women feel stressed and pressured despite the fact that they have made progress in terms of equality with respect to men. Men and control more spending decisions, progressing in work and politics. A figure that represents the highest percentage of all developed countries, as established by the study ‘The woman of tomorrow’ prepared by the consulting firm Nielsen.

That same document reflects that behind the Spanish are the French (65%) and the Italians (64%). In addition, the study indicates that the main reason for this situation is the obligation to reconcile professional and family life.

Nielsen also establishes that stress is noticeable in emerging countries even more than in developed ones due to the little money available that they have left after covering essential expenses to be able to spend something on themselves or enjoy a vacation.

The most stressed women in emerging countries are in India, Mexico and Russia

Among the women interviewed from emerging countries, those from India (81%), Mexico (74%) and Russia (69%) are the ones who declare themselves to be the most stressed and pressured due to lack of time, the study specifies.

With regard to the perception that Spanish women have of their degree of equality with men, the document states that around 80% of the interviewees think that men and women are equally capable of working, caring for their children, having more education, more salary, getting involved in politics, making purchasing decisions or being a boss.

According to Nielsen’s vice president, “women around the world are achieving higher levels of education and work and are able to contribute more to family income.” ”Women are increasing their purchasing power and thus gaining greater control and influence in family decisions,” she added.

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