It may surprise you, but we don’t want to eliminate stress from our lives because we need to. Stress arises in response to something that we must do urgently and that is its natural and healthy function. The problem arises when we do not feel confident that we can carry out what we must do. […]

What is good for stress?

It may surprise you, but we don’t want to eliminate stress from our lives because we need to. Stress arises in response to something that we must do urgently and that is its natural and healthy function. The problem arises when we do not feel confident that we can carry out what we must do. That’s when stress becomes a problem and an enemy of our happiness and our health. That is why we are asking ourselves what is good for stress  and we have found some solutions.

Anti-stress lifestyle

We live too fast, we have too many obligations and we feel a lot of pressure to do everything and also to do it well. This lifestyle favors the appearance of stress, but there are other options.

The Lagom philosophy of life for stress

This Lagom philosophy or lifestyle comes to us from Sweden and proposes to find a balance between what we should do and what we really want to do. He also proposes getting rid of those material things that we don’t really need and knowing how to appreciate those simple moments with friends or family that really provide us with well-being.

The Hyggie style for stress

We continue to learn from the Nordic countries with this Hyggie lifestyle that comes to us from Denmark and where the house plays a crucial role. It proposes to enjoy ours in a relaxed and comfortable environment, without the pressure to do activities continuously and understanding the best form of leisure as spending time with the people we love.

Sleep more and better for stress

It is not necessary to go to other countries to understand that in this lifestyle that we lead in which stress and anxiety are part of our daily lives, there is something that we lack: more hours of sleep. Sleeping, but sleeping well, is one of the best recipes against stress because during sleep we recover our energy and our illusions.

Slow life against stress

Slow Life has been proposed for some time now as an alternative to our daily madness. Reducing obligations and needs and opting for a more natural and traditional lifestyle works perfectly as an anti-stress therapy and as the surest path to happiness.

Exercise against stress

It costs us more or less to accept it, a healthy and active life is necessary to keep stress at the right levels. And there are some things you can do.

Meditation for stress

You don’t have to become a meditation guru to reap the benefits of some simple exercises that will help you clear your head and see life from a more relaxed perspective. Practicing mindfulness or developing conscious attention is affordable for everyone and the results are almost immediate.

Breathing for stress

Stress is often accompanied by some anxiety. If you often find yourself breathing agitated  and nervous, it’s time to practice breathing exercises. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold the air in, and expel it through your mouth. Repeat this exercise 5 times in a row and you will see how you feel renewed.

Sport for stress

You have to play sports and not just to combat stress. A healthy life involves exercising regularly and you can’t avoid that. But don’t worry, you don’t have to throw yourself into competitive sports, going for a run or walking for an hour 5 times a week is also considered physical exercise.

Food for stress

And in our plan for a life without stress, we cannot miss paying special attention to food. A healthy and varied diet is what you need to feel better about yourself and relieve stress.  Because if you feel healthy, you feel strong. And if you feel strong, that fear of not being able to handle everything disappears.

Attitude against stress

But more exercises, tricks or philosophies that we apply to our life, we will not achieve much if we do not change our attitude.

Positive attitude to stress

Having a positive attitude can change your life; of course, change it for the better. Being optimistic and knowing how to see what is good around you and the amount of things you have around you to enjoy is the best therapy against stress.

Say no to stress

How many times have you regretted accepting that extra assignment from your boss? You have to learn to say “no” to your boss, to your partner, to your mother, to your sister, to your friend… because you must know at all times when you are reaching that limit of pressure and obligations that you should never arrive.

Organization for stress

We imagine that you neither can nor want to go live in a cave by yourself, so you surely have a lot of daily obligations. Most days you will think that you cannot handle everything and that is what makes stress not leave you for a second. A good organization, a good planning of the tasks identifying the priorities, is your life insurance against stress.

Your expectations foster stress

There is a tendency to try to achieve everything, to be happy 24 hours a day, to always feel strong and powerful. Many times stress arises from the mismatch between your high expectations and reality. So positive and optimistic, yes; but don’t lose touch with reality.

Natural remedies against stress

To take into account are some of the most common natural remedies to reduce stress and increase the feeling of well-being.

Aromatherapy against stress

Smells can make us feel better, enhance our creativity or help relax moments. The most relaxing aromas are those of lavender, bergamot, marjoram and Scots pine.

Music therapy for stress

Music is a gift for the senses and surely you have already seen how it influences your state of mind. Find a few minutes to be alone with yourself and listening to relaxing music, you will see how it is one of the most effective remedies for stress.

Infusions for stress

You may love to have a cup of tea or coffee, but they are not the most suitable drinks if you suffer from stress. Choose infusions of valerian, passion flower or lavender to promote tranquility and balance.

Massages for stress

Stress produces muscle stiffness and it is best to pamper yourself with a good massage.  Although it also serves a bubble bath by adding a few drops of some relaxing essential oil to the water.

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