Our need to adapt to the environment is one of the factors that promotes and generates stress. The fact that our environment is constantly changing makes us face situations and pressures that, on many occasions, we are not able to assimilate. In addition to living in a hostile environment, due to the demands that the world of […]

The influence of a negative environment on stress: surround yourself with good vibes

Our need to adapt to the environment is one of the factors that promotes and generates stress. The fact that our environment is constantly changing makes us face situations and pressures that, on many occasions, we are not able to assimilate.

In addition to living in a hostile environment, due to the demands that the world of work imposes on us, the fact of surrounding ourselves with certain people whom we call toxic can affect us in an unimaginable way.

Toxic people and their power over the mind

Surrounding ourselves with an environment in which rivalry, lack of support, negativity or envy prevail can be highly dangerous as it makes us more vulnerable to stress.

A negative environment made up of toxic people gradually causes all our positive energy to be absorbed by them, which is known as emotional vampirism.

Feeling emotionally manipulated, devalued or blackmailed causes us to be flooded with a feeling of insecurity, guilt and weakness, the consequence of which can be stress,  anxiety and even depression.

Faced with this type of people and environments, we have to build an emotional barrier  that prevents the passage of that negativity in our minds and get as far away as possible.

On many occasions, not only people are the ones that generate a negative environment but, if we focus on the workplace, an excessively chaotic or authoritarian organization, precarious physical conditions in the workplace or a highly unpredictable environment, are factors that we find highly stressful.

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