Is stress good or bad? According to experts, stress in itself is not bad, what is negative are the consequences that are generated from it: hair loss, depression, weight gain or loss, or loss of part of the teeth, as has been the recent case. Stress is a natural process that is activated by any […]

The effects of stress and how to combat it

Is stress good or bad? According to experts, stress in itself is not bad, what is negative are the consequences that are generated from it: hair loss, depression, weight gain or loss, or loss of part of the teeth, as has been the recent case. Stress is a natural process that is activated by any threat, challenge or challenge around us, such as facing a new job, carrying out a project or taking care of a baby… All of this causes our daily routine to become unbalanced and our world to collapse. The way we have to combat stress will help us cope with it, but it is also important to know how to detect those behaviors that, in themselves, generate stress.

The effects of stress and how to combat it

The best way to deal with a problem is to know how to find the root of it. Many of our bad habits can lead us to unintentionally be involved in stressful situations, which is why we help you combat stress by discovering those circumstances that cause it:

Save negative emotions: resentment or grudges. Forget the past, live in the present and look to the future. What is your goal in life? Of course, be happy!

Being unorganized many times stress, especially at work, comes from a lack of planning. To solve it, you know, write down in the agenda or in your outlook those things that you have to do, but be careful, without setting goals that you cannot achieve.

Food, as we never tire of repeating, can be an important trigger for stress. How about we start removing exciting drinks from our diet?

Individualistic attitudes. The human being feels a need to socialize, so even if you are a little overwhelmed, he always seeks the support of others.

Out drama. If the stress is caused by a circumstance at work, do not let this feeling arrest you and invade your family environment and, above all, do not hang yourself the victim card.

If we are capable of controlling these moments, if we are capable of learning what things are within our reach or what are those external factors that are beyond our control and if we are capable of changing our way of life and introducing healthy habits such as sports, meditation or reflection, we will manage to win the battle against stress.

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