Stress currently affects a multitude of people, being one of the main causes of visits to the consultation. In itself, stress in small doses is necessary and beneficial to achieve optimal performance, but when it exceeds the limits we must remedy it. Currently, we have a multitude of natural therapies to combat stress: laughter therapy, phytotherapy, psychotherapy… but there is one that […]

The effectiveness of hypnosis as a therapy against stress

Stress currently affects a multitude of people, being one of the main causes of visits to the consultation. In itself, stress in small doses is necessary and beneficial to achieve optimal performance, but when it exceeds the limits we must remedy it.

Currently, we have a multitude of natural therapies to combat stress: laughter therapy, phytotherapy, psychotherapy… but there is one that we do not usually hear about so regularly or in which we do not fully trust, hypnosis.

What is it and how can hypnosis help us?

Leaving aside the esoteric connotation with which it has always been associated, hypnosis is commonly defined as a state of increased concentration, which has nothing to do with that deep trance in which you are not aware of your actions.

Hypnosis is basically a deep state of relaxation of both the body and the mind where consciousness is not lost but rather modified and freed from distractions.

Over the years, the effectiveness of hypnosis has been shown to treat certain cases that have a psychosomatic or psychological origin, such as fibromyalgia or stress, among others.

With a success rate of 80% of cases, the treatment of stress through hypnosis consists of alleviating the symptoms of stress and controlling pain through therapeutic suggestion and repetition of phrases.

Benefits of hypnosis in the treatment of stress

Among its most beneficial characteristics for the treatment of various psychological conditions we find that:

– Provides a greater ability to relax even in stressful situations.

– Increases control over emotions by making us have a better attitude to day-to-day problems.

– Provides greater energy and concentration while providing greater inner peace.

– Increases enthusiasm and interest.

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