When you’re stressed you can’t even stand yourself and you pay for it with whoever is closest to you: your partner. You feel like the whole world is against you, including him or her. You don’t realize that their only intention is usually to reassure us and make us see that our reaction has been exaggerated. The consequences of stress in […]

The consequences of stress in your relationship: that your anxiety does not take its toll

When you’re stressed you can’t even stand yourself and you pay for it with whoever is closest to you: your partnerYou feel like the whole world is against you, including him or her. You don’t realize that their only intention is usually to reassure us and make us see that our reaction has been exaggerated. The consequences of stress in your relationship can explode without you even realizing it.

Stress, whether caused by work or for any other reason, affects relationships as the state of the person who suffers from it is usually psychologically very delicate. It may even be the love relationship itself that is causing you so much anguish. Due to symptoms directly related to stress such as exhaustion or anxiety, you are more irritable than usual.  Another of the consequences of being stressed is that any small disagreement is the reason for an unjustified fight. Your anxiety is taking its toll on you.

Since you are almost exclusively focused on your problem, which seems to you the hardest in the whole universe, you forget that you may not be the only one who has had a bad day. A relationship must be taken care of daily and leave negativism and lack of trust outside.

When you’re stressed, your partner notices.

This climate of tension can be a reason for distance in the long term. Although a good relationship is based on love, affection and support in both good times and bad, stress can cause such discomfort between the couple that there may be no turning back. It’s important to realize early that your relationship is suffering from your stress.

As a consequence of stress, you can isolate yourself or, on the contrary, demand too much attention. By having less time to spend with your partner, the communication between the two is reduced to your bouts of irritability.

In any case, don’t worry because you’re not being a bad girlfriend, at least if you try to find a solution before it’s too late. It is very important to learn how to manage stress to avoid making a mountain out of a grain of sand. Every time you feel that something your partner has said is starting to make you angry, you have to remember that he is not to blame and that you are under a lot of stress.

Take a deep breath and think that every second with your boyfriend or girlfriend is a gift that is not worth wasting on quarrels. Don’t deny that you have a problem and that you may need professional help to fix it. There is nothing wrong with accepting good advice if with it you are going to solve your anguish. A situation is only stressful if you value it that way

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