People who live by and for words cause stress, but if they don’t communicate everything that comes to their mind, the stress is on them. Because there are people who are incapable of living with their mouths closed, although some would be more handsome like that and you know…flies don’t enter a closed mouth. These are the stressful situations experienced by people who are […]

Stressful situations experienced by overly talkative people

People who live by and for words cause stress, but if they don’t communicate everything that comes to their mind, the stress is on them.

Because there are people who are incapable of living with their mouths closed, although some would be more handsome like that and you know…flies don’t enter a closed mouth.

These are the stressful situations experienced by people who are too talkative.

– Silence… is the height of a talker.

– Having to think before speaking…impossible!

– All your friends complain about how much you talk.

– Inevitably talk more than you should when they pull your tongue.

– That they ask your opinion and then complain.

– Make “friends” every time you go out.

– Not having coverage to talk on the phone.

– That they tell you gossip and you can’t tell anyone.

– Having been punished at school for being the most talkative in class.

– Always be the last to eat.

– Being constantly asked to shut up.

– But all those situations are improved by your friends who, despite your mouth like a mailbox, adore you.

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