Stress is an emotion very typical of our days where women have to successfully reconcile work and family. However, things are not always easy, perfectionism squeezes and lack of time too. Therefore, stress becomes a source of suffering and anguish for many women. The main causes of stress are lack of free time, excessive obligations, pressure and problems. […]

Stress, the great threat of women: remedy it now

Stress is an emotion very typical of our days where women have to successfully reconcile work and family. However, things are not always easy, perfectionism squeezes and lack of time too. Therefore, stress becomes a source of suffering and anguish for many women.

The main causes of stress are lack of free time, excessive obligations, pressure and problems. As we add years, we tend to have less free time to enjoy leisure, therefore, we can disconnect less from everything that worries us.

The consequences of stress

In the long term, stress produces consequences that are very unhealthy. For example, it causes variability of character and constant mood swings, in the same way, it produces anger and irritability. In addition, stressed people have difficulties falling asleep and resting well, therefore, they feel tired. The vision of life is more negative than positive under the threat of stress that presents itself as a danger.

What to do in case of stress?

Do not ignore it, quite the contrary, it is convenient to attend to it on time, that is, to face the situation looking for the causes. Otherwise, the effects can never be stopped if you don’t go to the root. In essence, there are many situations that can overwhelm a person: a bad relationship with the boss, economic problems that arise from the crisis, negative reviews, a serious illness, family problems, and the end of a sentimental story… Nobody it can change your reality, that is, it is difficult to influence the factors in your environment, therefore, you have to start working inside to transform your emotional world and have more and better resources to respond to events.

Therefore, learn to relax. For example, you can do physical exercise at least three times a week because it frees you up, it helps you feel better physically and also, on an emotional level, it’s good to breathe fresh air, take a hike, walk along the riverbank to listen to the sound relaxing in the water, reading a good book, having a leisurely conversation with a friend, even over the phone if you are far away… If you suffer from stress, take note:

  1.  First of all, put limits on your work life. Do not take work home with you, otherwise it is very difficult to disconnect. Enjoy your family life and yourself.
  2. When you get home, you can take a quiet bath because it will allow you to have another sense of well-being.
  3. Participate in courses on emotional issues where you learn to better control stress.
  4. Have a healthy diet based on the Mediterranean Diet.
  5. Deal with problems, but don’t worry about them ahead of time. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, no matter how much you think today that you can control everything.
  6. Have a positive vision of reality. You will give up to the beat of negative thinking.

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