Stressful everyday situations sometimes cause symptoms or physical ailments that can be prevented by learning to manage everyday stress. However, if we do not do it and we are subjected to a high level of stress for long periods of time, it can lead to the appearance of serious physical consequences. One of the most serious physical consequences are the well-known stomach ulcers, […]

Stress stomach ulcer, can it come to this?

Stressful everyday situations sometimes cause symptoms or physical ailments that can be prevented by learning to manage everyday stress.

However, if we do not do it and we are subjected to a high level of stress for long periods of time, it can lead to the appearance of serious physical consequences.

One of the most serious physical consequences are the well-known stomach ulcers, which are lesions in the stomach tissue caused by increased gastric acid caused by prolonged exposure to intense stress.

In the most extreme case, these ulcers can end up perforating the stomach walls, causing the acid to reach other organs. In this situation, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

Measures to prevent stomach ulcers

There are many measures that can be taken to prevent its appearance. A healthy diet, especially in those people prone to stomach problems, is crucial for its prevention.

In addition, given the high relationship between stress and ulcers, by learning to manage everyday stress, we will reduce the probability of its appearance when we are subjected to prolonged and intense stress.

Among the most useful measures we find:

– Learn to organize the day to day, differentiating work from leisure activities.

– Learn to relax and find moments of recovery in our daily lives.

– Acquire healthy response patterns in stressful situations, including knowing how to manage our emotions and our thoughts.

– Lead healthy lifestyle habits, such as physical exercise and a balanced diet.

To prevent future stomach conditions, it is advisable to go to your trusted doctor in the case of noticing frequent abdominal pain.

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