We take the car as an almost instinctive act every morning without hardly realizing the act of responsibility that this implies or the danger that we run, being at the mercy of the attitude of other drivers. Without having to approach driving with such fear that it prevents us from getting into the car, as is the case […]

Stress behind the wheel: control your worst enemy in the car

We take the car as an almost instinctive act every morning without hardly realizing the act of responsibility that this implies or the danger that we run, being at the mercy of the attitude of other drivers. Without having to approach driving with such fear that it prevents us from getting into the car, as is the case with people who suffer from amaxophobia, we should pay a little more attention to our own behavior and how it can affect other drivers. And pedestrians.

Stress behind the wheel causes traffic accidents

And it is that stress and aggressiveness behind the wheel are the main culprits in traffic accidents, even more than driving under the influence of alcohol. A stressed driver is a nervous driver and therefore becomes a road hazard.

Speeding, non-compliance with traffic regulations, forgetfulness while yelling at the driver next to you, not respecting the safety distance because we are in a hurry… a large amount of irresponsibility generated by stress and anger when we drive.

That is why it is important that we do not get carried away by nerves, or by aggressiveness due to the incompetence of other drivers or for personal reasons, such as the rush because we are late for work, the discomfort for having argued with our partner or the fight we have had with our son.

How to avoid stress behind the wheel?

Since our behavior behind the wheel can significantly affect others, we must learn to manage that irritability and nerves when we get into the car. If you’ve had a bad morning at work and an even worse afternoon awaits you, sit behind the wheel and take a deep breath, thinking that your problems are only yours and not the rest of the drivers.

Calm behind the wheel. You have to be aware at all times of the responsibility of driving a car, so if you don’t feel emotionally prepared, because you are very nervous, anxious, or you are very upset and crying, do the same as you would do if you had had a few drinks. Leave the car and call a taxi.

We will never tire of calling attention to what our behavior behind the wheel implies, because irresponsibility can cost you not only a fine, nor an expensive repair in the workshop, it can cost you your life and, what is more important, it can cost you your life. To another person.

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