Our day to day can cause us moments of stress, however a good planning of what we have to do during the day can help us reduce stress levels and make it not become a problem in the long run. From the moment we get up, the demands of our environment require us to be 100% active: picking […]

Say goodbye to stress and start the day on the right foot

Our day to day can cause us moments of stress, however a good planning of what we have to do during the day can help us reduce stress levels and make it not become a problem in the long run.

From the moment we get up, the demands of our environment require us to be 100% active: picking up and preparing the children, organizing the house, arriving at work on time… are some of the situations that cause us stress and tension.

How stress affects our day to day?

On many occasions, when we get up and do a mental review of all the tasks we have to perform throughout the day, it causes us discomfort and stress. As a consequence of this, many people tend to have a negative attitude and day-to-day life can entail a greater effort than usual.

Generally, this way of dealing with the daily routine is characteristic of people with  depression or another problem related to mood, which makes days look uphill from early in the morning.

Beyond those people with psychological problems, everyone has woken up at some time with the feeling that they cannot face the demands of the day and for this reason a frequent behavior is to postpone obligations, becoming a vicious circle, since we tend to accumulate obligations, which leads to greater stress.

On the other hand, this stress when facing the day is often related to the little importance that, due to lack of time, we usually give to doing activities that we feel like and that cushion daily stress.

For this, looking for a form of organization in which there is room for obligations and playful activities is essential to start the day on the right foot.

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