Anxiety and stress are the great evils of modern society and women are especially sensitive to suffering from this type of disorder. The pressure experienced on a day-to-day basis, to work and reconcile, or to get a job, to pay the bills, the mortgage, the car, to stay young and beautiful, not to argue with […]

Relaxation techniques: break a set of dishes to release stress

Anxiety and stress are the great evils of modern society and women are especially sensitive to suffering from this type of disorder. The pressure experienced on a day-to-day basis, to work and reconcile, or to get a job, to pay the bills, the mortgage, the car, to stay young and beautiful, not to argue with your partner, to start a family… We live under such pressure that stress is producing us with which we get used to living until it is too late and it begins to pose a danger to our health. That is why it is so necessary to release tension frequently, even with the most unorthodox methods.

Destroy the dishes to end stress

Surely you have seen in a movie that Greek tradition of crashing the plates on the floor to the sound of music at family celebrations. Without going into the origin of this custom, we can affirm that throwing a plate against the ground is one of the most liberating exercises we know of. It is a good way to get both positive and negative emotions out of your interior.

It is not about throwing half the crockery against the wall when you are in the middle of an argument, but about a relaxation exercise like any other. Nor is it about taking your crockery and starting to smash it against the floor one day when you can’t take it anymore (unless it’s about that crockery that your mother-in-law gave you and that you think is horrible), because things are not as to buy new crockery and, besides, then it’s your turn to pick up the mess.

But there are already companies that provide you with that adequate space and even the crockery so that you can let off steam by throwing plates, glasses, bottles and everything within your reach with all you might until all that stress and negative energy disappears.  If this relaxation exercise seems a bit violent to you, you are right; nothing to do with yoga.

Techniques to relieve stress

But if we are talking about relieving stress so that we can feel better and maintain our emotional balance, we are willing to try any anti-stress technique. Once we’ve accounted for all the crockery, they also provide us with appliances to beat until they’re reduced to nothing. Destroying and hitting objects releases all the tension, but in any case, it is better to do it in a controlled manner.

Sports lovers had already warned us about how comforting physical exercise is in the fight against stress and the liberating effects of hitting a punching bag are well known. But if so much “aggression” doesn’t motivate you, you can always try another very effective anti-stress technique: yelling. Find a remote place and start shouting as loud as your strength allows you, you will see how you immediately feel more relaxed.

And if calmer techniques are your thing, we have found the ideal way to relieve your stress without making a fuss. Take a getaway to the countryside or, if you can’t, a park in your city will do the trick, and take a walk barefoot on the grass. When you have been filled with all the energy of nature, hug a tree and you will feel calm instantly.

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