All our lives we have lived in a right-handed world, where everything was meant for people who use primarily the right hand. Although left-handers are now more understood in society and there are tools designed for these people, there are still many annoying  differences. For this reason, left-handers can get stressed in this right-handed world due to […]

Problems that stress lefties

All our lives we have lived in a right-handed world, where everything was meant for people who use primarily the right hand. Although left-handers are now more understood in society and there are tools designed for these people, there are still many annoying  differences.

For this reason, left-handers can get stressed in this right-handed world due to the unfair situations they have had and have to live through. These are some problems that cause them stress.

– Write on any surface.

– The cup holder of the cars is on the right side of the driver.

– Having to put the paper crooked to write in a straight line.

– Go to class and not see any left-handed desk.

– Cut something with scissors.

– When learning to play the guitar is more complicated for a left-handed person.

– When they asked you to write something on the board.

– Because you were the only one who couldn’t write straight.

– Bank pens never have a long enough chain.

– Having to eat next to a right-handed.

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