The birth of a child is one of the most impactful events in a woman’s life. Despite being one of the happiest times for a couple, one in ten women is dealing with a condition known as postpartum stress or depression.
Recent studies indicate that during childbirth, the woman faces a very stressful experience that can lead to post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).
This syndrome directly affects the relationship of the mother with the newborn and her partner, whose symptoms can prevail for long periods of time if not controlled.
In general, according to research, this type of disorder is more frequent when the delivery has occurred in risk circumstances such as an emergency cesarean section, an illness of the baby or a premature birth.
Common symptoms of post-traumatic stress after childbirth
Among the most prominent symptoms are:
– The continuous memory of the moment of delivery in the form of flashbacks and nightmares during the subsequent weeks that can trigger anxiety.
– A kind of absence occurs, making everything around them lose interest and feeling very disconnected from their baby.
– The feeling of anger with all those who were present during the birth, with their relatives and with themselves, presenting in turn symptoms of anxiety and depression.
– If it is not solved in time, it can have an influence causing future motherhoods to be greatly affected and even, in some cases, a rejection of sexuality.
The duration of postpartum stress symptoms usually bottoms out between four and six weeks after which they decrease and everything returns to normal.
It is important that we recognize the problem and remedy it through psychological help as soon as possible.