Stress does not always have to be followed by negative connotations, but there are other moments that generate positive stress, such as a wedding or an important event. However, if the stress we experience becomes a burden and something that suffocates us and overwhelms us, we are faced with a disorder that has a very negative influence on our […]

Natural remedies against stress: phytotherapy, aromatherapy, music therapy and laughter therapy

Stress does not always have to be followed by negative connotations, but there are other moments that generate positive stress, such as a wedding or an important event. However, if the stress we experience becomes a burden and something that suffocates us and overwhelms us, we are faced with a disorder that has a very negative influence on our day to day.

Anxiety is one of the big problems today, since it affects more and more people. To alleviate the physical symptoms that stress generates, we can find different natural remedies that help us combat it.

To do this, we are going to explore different techniques and different alternative treatments that could be very useful to end anxiety. These natural remedies will be more effective if you combine them with the advice of professionals. Have you heard of phytotherapy, aromatherapy, music therapy and laughter therapy?

1 Phytotherapy against stress

Phytotherapy is a type of therapy against stress that consists of the use of certain plants with sedative properties that help us to fall asleep better, or that stimulate our nervous system.

Plants such as valerian, lime blossom, saffron, marjoram, oats or boldo are very beneficial for relaxing our nervous system while guarana, mate or ginseng serve as stimulants  counteracting any reluctance.

It has been shown that infusions based on these plants help very positively to combat stress and its effects. To get the positive affects you want, you can mix various plants in your infusions.

2 Aromatherapy, essential oils that remove stress

Aromatherapy is very useful to relieve stress since through the essential oils of different medicinal plants that it uses, it makes the molecules go directly to the brain through smell, thus reducing the symptoms and effects of stress.

Among the most used essential oils are marjoram essential oil, which helps balance the nervous system; lavender, whose calming properties are amazing and very helpful in cases of insomnia; ravintsara essential oil, for its immune-boosting properties; and the essential oil of black spruce and pine, crucial to recover the energy of the adrenal glands.

The aromas can be inhaled, but you can also take baths with essential oils or use poultices that help you soak up the smells. Try several of these aromatherapy techniques to choose the one that seems most comfortable for you according to your circumstances and your problems.

3 Music therapy, anti-stress melodies

Music therapy, based on the properties of music to connect with the brain regions that regulate our emotions, is a very effective method for treating stress-derived reactions such as anxiety or tachycardia. It is about exposing the patient to different songs, themes or symphonies in a pleasant environment so that they gain mental well-being.

As for the rest of the benefits of music therapy, it should be considered: increases the ability to interact emotionally, improves orientation, increases the capacity for attention and concentration, stimulates social skills, relaxes those who practice it, prevents isolation … Music makes you happy!

For this technique against stress, it may be useful to listen to the advice of professionals, who will recommend the melody that will best help you achieve your goals.

4 Laughter therapy: laugh at stress

Is there anything better than laughter? Laughter therapy, considered the healthiest aerobic exercise, helps us release tension and eliminate negative thoughts by putting into action the more than 400 muscles that are activated when we laugh. Therefore, it is a technique that seeks physical well-being, but also psychological through laughter.

This practice of laughing at everything and nothing is carried out in specialized workshops where everyone comes together for the same purpose: to laugh out loud. In addition, you will be much happier and who knows if you will spread your joy to the people around you. Experts recommend laughing for 1 minute at least 3 times a day. It may not seem like much, but we assure you that the benefits will be even greater.

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