One of the consequences of stress and anxiety is a mental block. Those who suffer from it feel a mental vacuum every time they undergo a stressful situation. It seems that everything has been erased from his head and he stands paralyzed without knowing what to do. He feels unable to react, he can’t even speak or interpret the information […]

Mental block due to stress: take a deep breath now for all

One of the consequences of stress and anxiety is a mental block. Those who suffer from it feel a mental vacuum every time they undergo a stressful situation. It seems that everything has been erased from his head and he stands paralyzed without knowing what to do. He feels unable to react, he can’t even speak or interpret the information that is being transmitted to him.

This type of behavior is very typical of exams. There are people who, despite having spent hours studying a syllabus that is going to be examined when they find themselves in front of the page full of questions, their mind tends to get blocked and they forget everything they have learned up to that moment.

The student does not know what to do and is unable to pass the exam to which he has dedicated so much time. In this case, professionals recommend raising awareness before arriving at the test that he is going to be examined, but that does not mean he should panic. He can also apply some relaxation techniques that make you feel calmer. It is advisable to start filling in the questions that are known, even if this means not following the order of the exam. In this way, confidence will be reinforced and all the knowledge that is actually still in the head will be recovered.

Mental block is caused by stress

The mental block can also happen due to the stress of having to speak in public, for example, during a meeting. There is a solution for stage fright; it can be treated with different types of therapies such as relaxation or self-observation. Controlling your breathing will help you calm down. Try to inhale air for 3 seconds and release it little by little. It is important to remember in this type of situation that your audience listens to you to understand your ideas and never to look for your mistakes, so there is no reason to feel judged.

As a consequence of this stressful situation it is normal for breathing and heart rate to accelerateYou could also feel a sensation of suffocation, tremors in the extremities, excessive perspiration, muscle pain, insomnia… Therefore, to avoid feeling these symptoms it is vital to exercise the body to keep it healthy and meditate to give the mind a rest.

Perhaps the most important thing to overcome the mental block caused by anxiety is to remember that everyone makes mistakesYou cannot demand absolute perfection since, in addition to being unattainable, it will make you feel much more pressure, creating even more stress.

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