Almost half of Spaniards have occasional problems sleeping and almost a quarter of them resort to medicinal plants to achieve it. These are the data that emerge from a survey of the Phytotherapy Research Center (INFITO). The main causes that we cannot fall asleep are family, work and health problems, in that order, but unemployment and the […]

Medicinal plants to combat stress and insomnia

Almost half of Spaniards have occasional problems sleeping and almost a quarter of them resort to medicinal plants to achieve it. These are the data that emerge from a survey of the Phytotherapy Research Center (INFITO). The main causes that we cannot fall asleep are family, work and health problems, in that order, but unemployment and the fear of suffering from it is already the fourth cause (6 percent).

According to experts, with the crisis there is an increase in stress symptoms and associated problems, and the most important of these symptoms is insomnia, the number of which has increased in the last four years. 6 out of 10 women confess difficulties in falling asleep, compared to 4 out of 10 men. The age group in which more cases of insomnia are registered is between 40 and 49 years (60%) and the least among young people (45%).  The survey reflects that women are concerned about family, health and physical problems and men lose sleep over family and work problems.

12% of workers have insomnia problems related to stress, which creates a vicious circle, because lack of sleep exacerbates the symptoms of stress. In turn, we know that the unemployed have a 2.2 times greater chance of suffering from anxiety disorders. This is shown in a study where it is confirmed that being unemployed while looking for a job causes anxiety and depression, symptoms that worsen the longer unemployment lasts. In January, a meta-analysis proving that anxiety and stress symptoms were double (32% vs. 16%) in the unemployed than in workers.

Medicinal plants against stress

In cases of insomnia due to stress, we can resort to medicinal plants of recognized efficacy and pharmaceutical dispensing. One of the most used today is Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)The flowering top of this plant contains assets that act in a similar way to benzodiazepines; prolonging the phases of deep sleep and avoiding awakenings. But, on the contrary, it does not produce dependency or side effects the next day. In addition, various pharmacological trials have revealed a sedative and hypnotic effect, as well as an anxiolytic effect of this plant. Its use is recommended by European Pharmacology (EMEA) and the World Health Organization.

In pharmacies you can find Arkocapsulas Pasiflora, in its classic presentation in capsules (package of 50 capsules, 6.90 euros) and with medication registration, indicated for the treatment of anxiety, emotion, nervousness and occasional insomnia.

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