It is proven that when we laugh, our body relaxes, so much so that studies show that one minute of laughter is equivalent to 45 minutes of relaxation. For this reason, laughter therapy is an increasingly used method to combat stress. When we laugh out loud we move more than 400 muscles at the same time, making it the […]

Laughter therapy: laugh at stress

It is proven that when we laugh, our body relaxes, so much so that studies show that one minute of laughter is equivalent to 45 minutes of relaxation. For this reason, laughter therapy is an increasingly used method to combat stress.

When we laugh out loud we move more than 400 muscles at the same time, making it the most complete aerobic exercise. In addition, laughter has numerous benefits, both psychological and physiological.

Laughter therapy: forget about stress

Laughter therapy acts as a defense mechanism against stress through the practice of different techniques and exercises with which our body releases endorphins, which makes us experience a sensation of well-being.

Through group sessions where having a good time is the only condition, our mind escapes negative thoughts and discharges the accumulated tension caused by daily stress.

A fun and effective form of therapy to improve our state of mind in which we are educated in various concepts of laughter: its types, how to provoke it, relaxation exercises… through body expression, dance, massages and games, among others.

We must not forget the negative effects that stress can generate on us and therefore we must remedy it before it is too late. Laughter therapy can be a good way to release tension and encourage our positivity by having a fun and enjoyable time.

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