“Time is money” is one of the most popular quotes in this age of speed. We run everywhere without stopping, with the feeling that everything we must do during the day cannot be postponed under any circumstances. We usually fall exhausted at so many nights, with a lot of things in mind to do the […]

How to organize and make time for everything

“Time is money” is one of the most popular quotes in this age of speed. We run everywhere without stopping, with the feeling that everything we must do during the day cannot be postponed under any circumstances.

We usually fall exhausted at so many nights, with a lot of things in mind to do the next day, part of which we put aside today because we didn’t have time for everything. And the worst of all this maelstrom in which we find ourselves involved day after day is that we end the day with the feeling that we barely had a second for ourselves.

The first and main thing is, precisely, to dedicate a few minutes a day to organizing the day. Otherwise, very possibly we will never get to cover all our responsibilities, since it is very easy to get lost in the tangle if there is not a minimum of organization. So, we offer you a valid way to do so below.

Learn to organize

Step 1: Write a list. Sit back and relax as much as possible; Grab a pen and paper and get ready to write as detailed a list as possible of the things you have to do during the day. You can use an agenda, but it is much clearer if you do it separately and then write down the final list in the agenda, as there can always be changes.

Step 2: assess each of the activities or assignment based on its urgency and importance.  Surely when you put them in writing you realize that there are issues that are irreplaceable and others that are less or nothing. There will be issues that just take up your time and are not productive at all and others that you thought were not important and yet are.

Step 3: Learn to delegate. This is very important: you should delegate those tasks that others can do, that is, they do not require as much of your involvement or it is not as important as you thought.

Step 4: Plan as much as possible. That is, you must anticipate everything that surrounds the activity: what order to do before or after, how long it will take you, place where you must go and how, materials that you will need to carry it out, etc.

Step 5: Don’t get lost. He tries to follow the list to the letter; do not delay priority tasks due to the unexpected, but be more tolerant with those that are not so urgent or important. If you want to waste time, make it one of the items on the list…

Step 6: “dress me slowly because I’m in a hurry” is undoubtedly one of the best pieces of advice that can be given to someone who doesn’t have time to do everything they need to do. Rushing is the worst companion of extremely busy people, because the results can be very counterproductive and in the worst case, you may have to repeat what you already did.

With these simple tips, we are sure that you will be able to handle everything and that you will very possibly manage to scrape some time to dedicate it to yourself.

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