During times of stress, many people experience physical symptoms on the skin such as the appearance of hives, acne, herpes, etc. Although it may seem paradoxical, this phenomenon is due to the fact that our immune system tries to protect us from external agents that can make us sick. How does stress affect our skin? […]

Hives on the skin due to stress, how to remedy it?

During times of stress, many people experience physical symptoms on the skin such as the appearance of hives, acne, herpes, etc. Although it may seem paradoxical, this phenomenon is due to the fact that our immune system tries to protect us from external agents that can make us sick.

How does stress affect our skin?

When our body is activated for a long time to deal with stressful situations, our immune system is activated, releasing defenses to protect it against the attack of viruses and bacteria.

However, when stress is disproportionate, so is the amount of defenses that are released in our body, even attacking cells and tissues in our body and manifesting in different types of skin lesions.

It is important to bear in mind that, although we use different remedies to treat hives, they will only disappear temporarily, since if we continue to be exposed to the stress that caused them in the first place, they will reappear.

Tips to prevent skin problems

To prevent the appearance of hives or other skin problems, we can equip ourselves with a whole baggage of coping techniques, among them we highlight:

– Learn to relax, not only on a physiological level, but on a mental level, which is colloquially called “learning to disconnect”.

– Do things that give us pleasure, since positive emotions release hormones that prevent the effect of cortisol, the stress hormone?

– A balanced diet with plenty of fruit and water intake improves not only the state of general health, but also our skin.

– A proper quality and quantity rest will make the appearance of skin problems less likely.

But above all it is important to bear in mind that prevention is the best way to act in the face of health problems and for this, we must learn to face the day to day to thus improve our quality of life.

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