A healthy and balanced diet, physical exercise, deep knowledge of ourselves and other changes in lifestyle are some of the most recommended anti-stress remedies, but it will always be good to know some of the plants that help counteract the negative effects of those circumstances that, if not stopped in time, release the chain reaction […]

Herbs against stress

A healthy and balanced diet, physical exercise, deep knowledge of ourselves and other changes in lifestyle are some of the most recommended anti-stress remedies, but it will always be good to know some of the plants that help counteract the negative effects of those circumstances that, if not stopped in time, release the chain reaction that leads to chronic stress.

These herbs or medicinal plants can be used in different ways, but the most recommended at home are tea and infusion. The difference between one and the other is that in the first case, the grass —whether dry or fresh— is thrown into recently boiled water, covered and left to rest for a few minutes; while in the infusion the ingredients are boiled together with water. In both cases it is good to let them cool down and then strain them and sweeten them slightly.

Herbs against stress

If you feel pressured, with tachycardia and a feeling that you are short of breath, a good remedy will be an infusion of linden or paciflora flowers.

When stress affects your digestive system, resort to chamomile tea or peppermint  infusion.

If tension has built up in your shoulders, you suffer from insomnia or have panic attacks, try a valerian infusion half an hour before going to bed.

If stress causes you tension headaches and migraines, it helps to take feverfew or willow bark infusion.

When the feeling you experience is nervous exhaustion, consume oats, either infusion or in one of the foods made from it.

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