Stress can manifest itself in our body in various ways, but did you know that it can also cause bad breath? Halitosis is one of the taboo topics in our society since suffering from it can have very negative social consequences, even affecting our personal and professional relationships. According to the latest report, 60% of cases of halitosis […]

Halitosis, one more consequence of stress: put an end to bad breath

Stress can manifest itself in our body in various ways, but did you know that it can also cause bad breath?

Halitosis is one of the taboo topics in our society since suffering from it can have very negative social consequences, even affecting our personal and professional relationships.

According to the latest report, 60% of cases of halitosis come from the mouth itself, 17% coming from the digestive tract or respiratory system, and the remaining 23% not diagnosed by halitosis but with what which is known as real halitosis, which is generated by a taste sensation that we self-perceive through smell as bad breath when it really is not.

In many cases, the nasal cells that perceive it get used to the bad smell and the affected person is not even aware that they have it. This case usually occurs with chronic halitosis, the causes of which are generally due to an abundance of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth.

Everyone at certain times of the day can have bad breath, the most common causes are when we wake up, spending a long time without eating or drinking, tobacco, and intensely flavored foods, among others.

Why stress generates halitosis?

One of the factors that generate bad breath is dry mouth, when the mouth does not have oxygen it gives rise to suffering from occasional halitosis. This is precisely what stress does, since anxiety and nerves cause our mouth to become dehydrated as there is a decrease in the generation of saliva.

Until it is correctly diagnosed, the real problem cannot be dealt with since the treatment consists of eliminating what causes us stress, not plugging it up with oral treatments that will be of no use.

In addition, bad breath can be a warning to detect and prevent possible diseases such as periodontal diseases, liver and kidney diseases or even cancer, so if you experience a period of bad breath, it is advisable to see a specialist to rule out possible conditions. More serious.

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