We all know the beneficial properties of physical exercise at the level of health, especially in terms of physical condition. However, the properties that sport exerts on our psychological well-being are less well known. Reduce stress with the help of physical exercise Performing physical exercise allows us to disconnect from those obligations that cause us stress, such as work. […]

Forget stress by exercising

We all know the beneficial properties of physical exercise at the level of health, especially in terms of physical condition. However, the properties that sport exerts on our psychological well-being are less well known.

Reduce stress with the help of physical exercise

Performing physical exercise allows us to disconnect from those obligations that cause us stress, such as work. In fact, many studies show that job satisfaction is related to the activities we do when we leave work.

The pleasure that we obtain from the practice of physical exercise is not only due to the fact that it makes us focus our attention on something other than what creates stress for usIt also provides us with positive and pleasant emotions when we have fun practicing it, especially when it comes to group or company activities.

On the other hand, we must not forget the biological part and that is, the practice of physical exercise facilitates the segregation of endorphins, which are neurochemical substances that give us pleasure and that are also produced by our body when we have sex, eat chocolate, etc.

In addition, as a consequence of the improvement of physical conditions at the level of image and health, it helps us to feel better about ourselves, thus improving our self-esteemIn turn, self-esteem is related to the feeling of self-efficacy, that is, the feeling we have about our ability to achieve a goal and therefore influencing our stress levels.

Remember that work activities are as important as leisure activities and that, by betting on pleasant ones, we indirectly contribute to improving our work performance.

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