Christmas is made to live relaxed, happy moments and in the company of those we love the most. This description, by itself, invites tranquility and relaxation, but unfortunately, many times we manage to turn what should be a few days to rest and enjoy into a mountain of obstacles, imbued with a dominant stress that does not let us […]

Don’t let stress eat you up this Christmas

Christmas is made to live relaxed, happy moments and in the company of those we love the most. This description, by itself, invites tranquility and relaxation, but unfortunately, many times we manage to turn what should be a few days to rest and enjoy into a mountain of obstacles, imbued with a dominant stress that does not let us live the holidays as it touches. Those who suffer the most from this stress in these times are usually women. In this sense, it seems that there are still differences between men and women, since we are the ones who during those days are in charge of preparing the meals, decorating the house, giving the children’s gifts, and in general going in the lead as far as organizational issues of the festivities are concerned.

Psychological self-therapy

For this reason, many times we find ourselves absorbed in a feeling of domination of circumstances over our person that takes away our pleasure when it comes to living the spirit of Christmas. Try to do a little psychological therapy so that the situation does not dominate you, think that everything you are doing is for a beautiful end and that it is not worth drowning.

On the other hand, you have to carry out some practices that will help you overcome the stress of Christmas:

– Organize your days, and not only in your head. Buy yourself an agenda and write down everything you have to do and when. Keep in mind that in this way your mind will have all the tasks more organized and will know perfectly if your goals are feasible or not.  This feeling of having everything under control de-stresses a lot.

– Be cautious and have everything prepared in time. Especially buying gifts, because if we wait until the last minute we may not find what we are looking for and stress increases when we see that we have very few days left to look for another option.

Ask for help. Do not think that you are alone or that no one is going to do it better than you. Learn to delegate to others, for example: your children can set the table on Christmas day -even if you want to give the final touch of decoration later- and your husband can go buy those things you need to cook.

-If you can afford it, move your family to a restaurant and celebrate Christmas disconnected from the stress of keeping all the guests happy.

– Do not stress with the idea that you will not like what you have prepared, that is a feeling of self-demand that is not real and will only serve to create a worse environment inside you.

– Avoid lurid topics during Christmas meals. Often, during these dates, we get together with relatives that we do not see as often during the year. We know that we like to bring up dangerous topics such as politics or football, before which, if there are conflicting parties, wine, cava and the emotion of the moment can generate some tense moments.

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