Our intestinal transit can suffer alterations when we face stressful situations or we are nervous. The high pressures and demands of our day to day have a direct influence on our life habits that can lead to the alteration of our intestine causing constipation, diarrhea, colic… Among the most common factors that cause constipation is the daily stress […]

Constipation due to stress: put a stop to it

Our intestinal transit can suffer alterations when we face stressful situations or we are nervous. The high pressures and demands of our day to day have a direct influence on our life habits that can lead to the alteration of our intestine causing constipation, diarrhea, colic… Among the most common factors that cause constipation is the daily stress that we suffer, especially at work. If we combine this stress with a series of wrong eating habits that we generally develop due to lack of time, we are encouraging the development of this intestinal condition.

Low water intake, fast food high in saturated fats and eating poorly at the wrong time cause our intestines to suffer excessively. In addition, on many occasions the lack of time means that we do not go to the bathroom when we need it.

4 keys to avoid constipation due to stress

1 Drink more water

It is advisable to consume at least two liters of water distributed throughout the day and preferably outside of meals. In this way, the stool softens and its transit through the colon and its expulsion are facilitated.

2 Eat foods rich in fiber

Present in many vegetables, fruits and cereals, fiber helps improve intestinal transit by making us go to the bathroom more. Try to avoid foods low in fiber such as pizza, cheese, processed foods, or prepared frozen foods.

3 Physical exercise is essential 

Sport helps the intestine to stay healthy and strong and reduces stress by releasing endorphins, making us feel better.

4 Go to the bathroom when you need to

 Do not ignore the needs of your body, go to the bathroom when you need it and be patient when it comes to evacuating.

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