The rhythm of life that we face on a daily basis can cause various conditions in our body. Submitting ourselves to high levels of stress and an inadequate diet can lead to  gastrointestinal diseases. It has been shown that stress and emotional disorders can cause intestinal over activity, giving rise to diseases such as colitis. Colitis is an inflammation of […]

Colitis nervosa as a consequence of emotional stress

The rhythm of life that we face on a daily basis can cause various conditions in our body. Submitting ourselves to high levels of stress and an inadequate diet can lead to  gastrointestinal diseases.

It has been shown that stress and emotional disorders can cause intestinal over activity, giving rise to diseases such as colitis.

Colitis is an inflammation of the intestine, specifically the lining of the rectum or large intestine, which results in symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and colic, or intestinal gas, among others.

When the symptoms are accompanied by stress, it is known as nervous colitis, so the only way to treat it is by learning to control and manage everyday stress.

Who is affected and how to treat colitis?

According to several studies carried out, the percentage of people suffering from this disease is much higher in women than in men, with the total proportion of people suffering from colitis being four women for every man.

If during a period of more than twelve weeks pain and abdominal inflammation, colic, diarrhea or constipation are experienced, it may be an indication of this disease.

sedentary lifestyle and inadequate eating habits added to stress is an unhealthy combination for our immune system, which can be highly damaged.

Nervous colitis is easy to treat, so we should go to a specialist as soon as we notice the first symptoms and not wait for it to lead to a bigger problem. For this, the help of a psychotherapist is crucial to treat it since if we do not eliminate the source that causes it, we will never be able to end the problem.

In addition, a balanced diet and physical exercise play a fundamental role in managing stress and therefore avoiding this type of disease.

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