Migraines are a type of headache that is characterized by pain crises (generally in one or both temples) lasting between 4 and 72 hours and, in general, of a disabling nature, that is, the person is forced to  abandon their usual activity or at least to limit it, while the pain lasts. It is usually […]

Causes of migraine and tips to avoid it

Migraines are a type of headache that is characterized by pain crises (generally in one or both temples) lasting between 4 and 72 hours and, in general, of a disabling nature, that is, the person is forced to  abandon their usual activity or at least to limit it, while the pain lasts. It is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, hypersensitivity or discomfort with light and noise. It is a disease that is very uncomfortable because it impedes the development of a normal life. That is why it is convenient to know the causes that can cause a migraine, as well as some tips to prevent its effects.

Origin of migraines

The process that triggers a migraine is initiated by the presence of certain stimuli to which that person is sensitive. It can be said that there is a wide variety of situations that are capable of causing a migraine attack in many people, but some of the most common are the following:

– Affective area: Stress, anguish, conflicts or other circumstances that cause discomfort.
– Stimuli: Intense odors, smoke, tobacco, bright light, temperature changes.
– Gynecological area: Menstruation, contraceptives, estrogen therapy.
– Dream: Too much, insufficient or interrupted.
– Food: Cured cheese, dairy products, citrus juices, chocolate, sausages, smoked foods, Chinese food, sweeteners, nuts, potato chips.
– Alcoholic beverages: Wine, and spirits above all, and caffeinated beverages.

Prevent migraines

Despite knowing the causes that can cause a headache, these are not always avoidable , so these tips should be taken into account, especially if you are experiencing stressful situations or are prone to suffering from this ailment.

– Identifies the factor, or factors, that cause the migraine episodes, or that aggravate them. In this way you can always better manage this disease or ask for help from the doctor.
– Try to avoid situations that produce stress, as far as possible.
– Don’t sleep too much not even on weekends.
– Eat meals at the same time and in similar quantities, without excesses.
– Do not take food or drinks that have ever triggered a migraine attack.
– Avoid noisy places or places with penetrating odors.

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