
Stressful situations experienced by people who do not have a car

Stress is due to various reasons and not having a car can become too stressful. That means having to rely on friends or family to take you places, or else take annoying public transportation. A stress turned into situations that we show you here: – Plans depend on your friends with a car. – Shopping becomes an adventure. – You fight to be the co-pilot that is […]

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Problems that cause stress to any hairdresser

Being a hairdresser is a very demanding profession. In addition to the long hours that you spend on your feet, you have to deal with certain things that cause a lot of stress. A stress that not everyone can overcome and that if you are not a hairdresser you cannot understand. These are some of the problems that cause stress for any hairdresser: – You come

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Women with a higher level of stress are in Spain, France and Italy

The lack of time, the rush of day to day and the thousand and one things that have to be done on a daily basis make 66 % of Spanish women feel stressed and pressured despite the fact that they have made progress in terms of equality with respect to men. Men and control more spending decisions, progressing

Women with a higher level of stress are in Spain, France and Italy Read More »

The stress suffered by people who hate talking on the phone

Stress can be due to different reasons. One of them is talking on the phone and, although it seems simple, there are people who suffer horrible stress when they receive a call. These are the phases that stress people who hate talking on the phone. – The first thing is to ignore almost all calls. – Even if they are your parents to congratulate you

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The behaviors that generate the most stress in salespeople

Working with the public requires great patience and knowing how to be. Not all people are trained to put up with customers because throughout the workday it is difficult to put up with certain things without having a high degree of stress. If you are a seller, you will feel identified with the photographs that we show you here, but if you

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Academic stress: don’t let your nerves play tricks on you

During the academic year there are moments with a high work demand. Our body, faced with this situation, responds by activating us to deal with it effectively. Therefore, this type of stress is necessary to adapt to the demands of the environment. The problem arises when the stress is maintained for a long time or is disproportionate. For this, many preventive

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Differences between stress and anxiety: they go hand in hand, but they are not the same

What is stress and what is anxiety? Because sometimes we tend to identify them as the same problem that overwhelms us, that blocks us, that confuses us. The truth is that stress and anxiety share some characteristics and sometimes it is very difficult for us to separate one from the other. However, there are big

Differences between stress and anxiety: they go hand in hand, but they are not the same Read More »

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