They remind us every summer. You have to drink large amounts of water and avoid spending a long time under the sun. But what is behind the dreaded heat strokes? Thermal stress is that feeling of discomfort caused by a set of factors. We explain what it is and what precautions to take so that it does not occur.
Although thermal stress is usually related to excess heat, it can also be caused by the opposite case, that is, too cold. If with a very high temperature our body can suffer hyperthermia, with an excess of cold you could suffer from hypothermia.
Imagine the situation: you’ve been walking down the street for a long time in the middle of August, it’s hot, there’s a lot of humidity and on top of that, you’ve just had a great meal with your coworkers. You begin to feel a certain discomfort and feeling overwhelmed. You could be a victim of heat stress. This is a situation that often affects those who work outdoors in summer or in contexts where it is very hot. For this reason, bakers, workers, miners, etc. They must be aware of the risks involved in working in high temperatures.
When it is very hot, our body tries to acclimatize to the temperature by staying at around 37 degrees. To do this, it activates all the thermoregulation mechanisms: it expels sweat to cool down, reduces heart rate, vasodilatation occurs in the skin…
Excess heat can cause heat stress
As a result of heat stress, you can suffer skin rashes, muscle cramps, feeling tired, heat strokes, temporary loss of consciousness…
The term stress is not only related to a high temperature, but also other factors such as humidity, the temperature of the objects that surround us, including the walls and the speed of the air. Sometimes, even if the thermometer does not show too much heat, heat stress can occur due to overexposure to the sun. Also, if you are not wearing the right clothes or you have just done a physical activity, you will be increasing the chances of suffering heat stress.
In any case, excess heat is a very uncomfortable situation for our body that tries to get used to it. However, each person deals with it differently. Taking into account that personal factors such as fitness or being overweight affect, there are people who can withstand the heat better than others. Those who suffer from diabetes, epilepsy, skin diseases, respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, etc. They are more sensitive to thermal stress.
For heat stress to have greater consequences, try to avoid exposing yourself to the sun during the hottest hours. If it is impossible for you because of your work, write down the following tips: wear clothes that let your skin sweat, rest before your workday, do not separate from your bottle of water, and avoid copious meals…