Author name: StressHow Staff

Our team of experienced writers and editors are passionate about all things stress, from the latest research on stress management techniques to personal stories and advice from people who have successfully overcome stress. We believe that stress is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you.

Miley Cyrus, Michelle Obama, Demi Lovato… Famous with stress (although it may not seem like it)

Being a public figure has many advantages, but it also has many other drawbacks. The image of a celebrity is one of the things that must be taken care of the most, address the media well, be kind to people, endure difficult situations with the best smile and with great temper. According to a survey carried […]

Miley Cyrus, Michelle Obama, Demi Lovato… Famous with stress (although it may not seem like it) Read More »

Lagom, the philosophy of life that seeks to reduce stress

What are the keys to happiness? According to lagom, the new philosophy of life that triumphs in Sweden, balance and moderation. Lagom is often described as “not too small, not too much, just right”, but lagom is much more complex than that simple definition. Lagom aims to reduce stress in our lives. “Some cultures prioritize fighting stress so they can be more

Lagom, the philosophy of life that seeks to reduce stress Read More »

Constipation due to stress: put a stop to it

Our intestinal transit can suffer alterations when we face stressful situations or we are nervous. The high pressures and demands of our day to day have a direct influence on our life habits that can lead to the alteration of our intestine causing constipation, diarrhea, colic… Among the most common factors that cause constipation is the daily stress

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Academic stress: don’t let your nerves play tricks on you

During the academic year there are moments with a high work demand. Our body, faced with this situation, responds by activating us to deal with it effectively. Therefore, this type of stress is necessary to adapt to the demands of the environment. The problem arises when the stress is maintained for a long time or is disproportionate. For this, many preventive

Academic stress: don’t let your nerves play tricks on you Read More »

Colitis nervosa as a consequence of emotional stress

The rhythm of life that we face on a daily basis can cause various conditions in our body. Submitting ourselves to high levels of stress and an inadequate diet can lead to  gastrointestinal diseases. It has been shown that stress and emotional disorders can cause intestinal over activity, giving rise to diseases such as colitis. Colitis is an inflammation of

Colitis nervosa as a consequence of emotional stress Read More »

The benefits of practicing yoga to eliminate stress

To control daily stress it is important that we reach a relaxed state of both body and mind. It has been shown that one of the ways to achieve this is through the practice of yoga. Originating in India, yoga is a discipline in which the body and mind are conceived as a unit. Through yogic postures (asana) and breathing (pranayama) our

The benefits of practicing yoga to eliminate stress Read More »

Differences between stress and anxiety: they go hand in hand, but they are not the same

What is stress and what is anxiety? Because sometimes we tend to identify them as the same problem that overwhelms us, that blocks us, that confuses us. The truth is that stress and anxiety share some characteristics and sometimes it is very difficult for us to separate one from the other. However, there are big

Differences between stress and anxiety: they go hand in hand, but they are not the same Read More »

Natural remedies against stress: phytotherapy, aromatherapy, music therapy and laughter therapy

Stress does not always have to be followed by negative connotations, but there are other moments that generate positive stress, such as a wedding or an important event. However, if the stress we experience becomes a burden and something that suffocates us and overwhelms us, we are faced with a disorder that has a very negative influence on our

Natural remedies against stress: phytotherapy, aromatherapy, music therapy and laughter therapy Read More »

People who live life without complications: Goodbye stress!

Creativity is only part of some people. One is born or one is not born, but a creative, a genius of the imagination cannot be made, simply from your beginnings you have that gift. It is quite lucky for people who have this characteristic because stress is not part of their day to day. They will always have a solution to any problem in

People who live life without complications: Goodbye stress! Read More »

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