Author name: StressHow Staff

Our team of experienced writers and editors are passionate about all things stress, from the latest research on stress management techniques to personal stories and advice from people who have successfully overcome stress. We believe that stress is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you.

Stress stomach ulcer, can it come to this?

Stressful everyday situations sometimes cause symptoms or physical ailments that can be prevented by learning to manage everyday stress. However, if we do not do it and we are subjected to a high level of stress for long periods of time, it can lead to the appearance of serious physical consequences. One of the most serious physical consequences are the well-known stomach ulcers,

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The stress suffered by people who hate talking on the phone

Stress can be due to different reasons. One of them is talking on the phone and, although it seems simple, there are people who suffer horrible stress when they receive a call. These are the phases that stress people who hate talking on the phone. – The first thing is to ignore almost all calls. – Even if they are your parents to congratulate you

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The behaviors that generate the most stress in salespeople

Working with the public requires great patience and knowing how to be. Not all people are trained to put up with customers because throughout the workday it is difficult to put up with certain things without having a high degree of stress. If you are a seller, you will feel identified with the photographs that we show you here, but if you

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