Author name: StressHow Staff

Our team of experienced writers and editors are passionate about all things stress, from the latest research on stress management techniques to personal stories and advice from people who have successfully overcome stress. We believe that stress is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you.

What are the symptoms of stress? Physical and mental diagnosis

Stress is one of the great enemies we face in our lives. If we let it take over, before we know it we will suffer from certain symptoms that will play tricks on us in our day-to-day lives and even have long-term irreversible consequences. Symptoms of stress Stress can manifest itself through different symptoms depending on the person or the […]

What are the symptoms of stress? Physical and mental diagnosis Read More »

Myths and legends: does stress cause gray hair?

Stress causes many side effects on our body, some things that are said are not entirely true, but many others are. This is the case with the well-known myth that stress causes gray hair. It’s not so much like that. The most correct statement would be: stress can accelerate the appearance of gray hair. Scientifically it is explained that hair turns gray due to

Myths and legends: does stress cause gray hair? Read More »

Ways you didn’t know to relieve stress

Stress is a reaction that comes from the body to face a situation of threat or demand. This is due to situations or problems that are beyond us and make us nervous or restless. To put a solution there are ways that help us alleviate that stress. These are some of them that you should know and, if you can put into practice. – Throw offense bombs.

Ways you didn’t know to relieve stress Read More »

Stress and its consequences: effects and reactions of your body and mind

Stress can have serious and even, on certain occasions, irreversible consequences for our health. It is important to recognize that we have a problem in order to deal with it as soon as possible, so if you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to contact a professional who will help you deal with

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The consequences of stress in your relationship: that your anxiety does not take its toll

When you’re stressed you can’t even stand yourself and you pay for it with whoever is closest to you: your partner. You feel like the whole world is against you, including him or her. You don’t realize that their only intention is usually to reassure us and make us see that our reaction has been exaggerated. The consequences of stress in

The consequences of stress in your relationship: that your anxiety does not take its toll Read More »

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