Author name: StressHow Staff

Our team of experienced writers and editors are passionate about all things stress, from the latest research on stress management techniques to personal stories and advice from people who have successfully overcome stress. We believe that stress is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you.

Faces that every stressed person sometimes makes

Because the face is the reflection of the soul and many times with a simple gesture words are unnecessary. Expressing what we feel through body language is simple, but sometimes it can be harmful because we don’t know how to control this type of communication. These are the faces that all stressed people have ever made: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” – […]

Faces that every stressed person sometimes makes Read More »

Unemployment and the crisis trigger the Ulysses Syndrome: what it consists of

Ulysses was the hero of the Trojan War who was the protagonist of Homer’s “Odyssey”.  The 20 years that he spent away from his native Ithaca, the dangers he faced both in the war and on his return home, and the nostalgia that invaded him during all that time left their mark on his personality. This Ulysses Syndrome was

Unemployment and the crisis trigger the Ulysses Syndrome: what it consists of Read More »

Anti-stress scents: scents that relax

Anxiety and stress are the great evils of modern society. Some disorders that often require medical help to overcome them, but given the side effects of medications to treat these ailments, sometimes it is better to turn to alternative therapies as a more natural solution. Do you know what aromatherapy is? Have you heard of anti-stress aromas and odors? Our senses

Anti-stress scents: scents that relax Read More »

Awkward moments that stress any myopic

People who need glasses or contact lenses have had to live through the ridicule of the rest of their peers during their childhood, but nowadays it is more normal to see people with this type of vision problem. Or they simply dedicate themselves to wearing glasses for fashion, that’s why they call posturing. And although we have become accustomed to seeing

Awkward moments that stress any myopic Read More »

Phases of stress: alarm, adaptation or resistance and exhaustion

At certain times in our lives, we are faced with different moments that can be stressful.  These are not necessarily negative, since it is a necessity for our body. The problem comes when those moments become stages and stick to our rhythm of life. When we are faced with a stressful situation, each person acts in a

Phases of stress: alarm, adaptation or resistance and exhaustion Read More »

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