Author name: StressHow Staff

Our team of experienced writers and editors are passionate about all things stress, from the latest research on stress management techniques to personal stories and advice from people who have successfully overcome stress. We believe that stress is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you.

Annoying questions that cause stress but that everyone asks

There are people who give their opinion in your life without giving them a voice or a vote and not only settling for it, they are also in charge of asking annoying questions that cause stress. These are some of those questions that people ask without shame. “If you already know how I get, why ask me” – And the boyfriend for

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How to reduce metabolic stress, the disease of workers

Prolonged nervousness, transitory periods of sadness, excessive tiredness… if you feel these symptoms frequently, you could be suffering from metabolic stress. This disease, also known as workers’ disease, affects a very high number of employees. So much so that it is considered one of the great evils of the 21st century. The endless working hours, overly competitive colleagues,

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Avoid thermal stress in the face of cold or heat: tips and solutions

They remind us every summer. You have to drink large amounts of water and avoid spending a long time under the sun. But what is behind the dreaded heat strokes? Thermal stress is that feeling of discomfort caused by a set of factors. We explain what it is and what precautions to take so that it does not occur. Although

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Medications to control stress

Stress is necessary in our day to day to keep our activation levels in optimal conditions and to be able to carry out our daily activities satisfactorily. Therefore, in small doses it is even beneficial to improve efficiency and concentration in our daily activities. However, when stress becomes a severe problem, it can lead to various serious symptoms, including anxiety and depression. Both diseases

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Forget stress by exercising

We all know the beneficial properties of physical exercise at the level of health, especially in terms of physical condition. However, the properties that sport exerts on our psychological well-being are less well known. Reduce stress with the help of physical exercise Performing physical exercise allows us to disconnect from those obligations that cause us stress, such as work.

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