The use of tranquilizers to reduce the agonic state produced by stress or anxiety is becoming more widespread, with the dangers that this can have. It is necessary that this type of medication is not abused since, otherwise, they can have some side effects.  Therefore, to avoid both aggressive reactions and confusion episodes, two of its most common consequences, […]

Are tranquilizers recommended to relieve stress?

The use of tranquilizers to reduce the agonic state produced by stress or anxiety is becoming more widespread, with the dangers that this can have. It is necessary that this type of medication is not abused since, otherwise, they can have some side effects.  Therefore, to avoid both aggressive reactions and confusion episodes, two of its most common consequences, it is necessary to consume them correctly.

To begin with, it is important to distinguish between major tranquilizers, those that are both neuroleptic and antipsychotic, and minor ones, better known as anti-anxiety. Both help combat stress at different levels.

It is important that a doctor prescribes what type of medication to take, since otherwise very negative symptoms can develop. One of these, and perhaps the most worrisome, is the high psychological dependence that those who take these drugs out of control can develop. If they are used excessively, the patient will feel the need to take them constantly, and in increasing amounts to enjoy their relaxing effects.

Recently there has been an increase in the consumption of tranquilizing drugs outside of medical control. Specialists attribute the rise of these pills to a demanding and insecure working life, loneliness, the need to reestablish family support and the lack of harmony in coexistence as the main causes.

Medicines to reduce stress

Medical professionals call attention to the need not to consider them curative as well as to take into account that they are not the only treatments that exist to relieve stress. There are other natural ways to reduce the symptoms of this nervous condition.

An effective alternative to tranquilizers are home remedies. The famous infusions of valerian and lime blossom manage to relax the body and mind. Other natural remedies are medicinal plants such as California poppy, hops or St. John’s worth. If you apply drops of flower essence oils such as lavender, rose or geranium, it can be beneficial to help you fall asleep better. Others recommend treatments such as acupuncture and homeopathy to treat nervousness and stress problems.

In any case, the best option is to see your doctor for advice on what is best for your case.

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