Self-help guides combined with medical treatment can be very useful for treating disorders related to stress, anxiety or depression, as well as being of great help in promoting personal growth and maturation. It is an educational behavior resource to understand and improve certain behaviors of both people affected by psychological disorders and their families. Tips when choosing a self-help guide: […]

Are self-help guides effective in dealing with stress?

Self-help guides combined with medical treatment can be very useful for treating disorders related to stress, anxiety or depression, as well as being of great help in promoting personal growth and maturation.

It is an educational behavior resource to understand and improve certain behaviors of both people affected by psychological disorders and their families.

Tips when choosing a self-help guide: positive and negative aspects

Self-help guides collect and offer a large amount of information that can be very positive when the patient considers their problem and can find very useful solutions to deal with it.

On the other hand, whenever we read a self-help guide, we must be aware that not everyone adapts to their specific problem in the same way, but it is important to analyze each personal case to find the focus of the problem.

In this sense, we can say that they offer very affordable and colloquial information, but that in turn requires more systematic guidelines to solve the problem, such as those offered by psychological treatments.

Today, anyone can publish a self-help guide without the need to be a professional, but in many cases they are based on personal experiences. This implies that we must be careful when choosing the one that best suits our case and always consult a professional with criteria to tell us if it is appropriate.

One of its main uses is to make the patient aware that everything related to psychological behaviors depends on the person himself and in his hand is the power to find a solution.

It is advisable that whenever we go to buy a self-help guide, we pay attention to the training of the person who writes it to make it really useful.

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