The beneficial properties that physical exercise exerts on our health, both physical and psychological, are more than well known. There are so many tensions and pressures that we suffer daily that can lead us to suffer from numerous diseases. Work stress is more than common in our society, it has become part of our lives but we can always face it and […]

Anti-stress sports: how to relax by doing physical exercise

The beneficial properties that physical exercise exerts on our health, both physical and psychological, are more than well known. There are so many tensions and pressures that we suffer daily that can lead us to suffer from numerous diseases.

Work stress is more than common in our society, it has become part of our lives but we can always face it and learn to control it so that it affects us as little as possible.

Emotional stress has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, since in times of high stress our heart rate and blood pressure increase dangerously.

For this reason, it is crucial that we carry out pleasant activities that allow us to disconnect from our daily worries and for this there is nothing better than physical exercise.

Do all sports help control stress?

Although all physical exercise can be considered anti-stress by providing us with positive and pleasant emotions that allow us to disconnect and have a good time, there are certain activities whose characteristics are more effective in reducing stress.

Going for a run is one of the fastest ways to consume calories by improving circulation. It helps us release endorphins and enjoy an outdoor activity that can also be done in a group.

Yoga, tai chi or Pilates are some of the most effective activities to escape the routine.  Through stretching and breathing our body comes into harmony while exercising.

It has always been said that swimming is one of the most complete sports, well its properties are also one of the best anti-stress techniques. Being an aerobic exercise, it helps us burn fat and strengthen the heart by isolating ourselves from the outside world and relaxing.

Not only do these sports serve to reduce stress, but also walking at a brisk pace for an hour daily helps us clear our minds while burning calories.

Above all, it is important that we do these activities regularly and find them rewarding and fun to forget all the pressures of the day.

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