Anxiety and stress are the great evils of modern society. Some disorders that often require medical help to overcome them, but given the side effects of medications to treat these ailments, sometimes it is better to turn to alternative therapies as a more natural solution. Do you know what aromatherapy is? Have you heard of anti-stress aromas and odors? Our senses […]

Anti-stress scents: scents that relax

Anxiety and stress are the great evils of modern society. Some disorders that often require medical help to overcome them, but given the side effects of medications to treat these ailments, sometimes it is better to turn to alternative therapies as a more natural solution. Do you know what aromatherapy is? Have you heard of anti-stress aromas and odors?

Our senses can help us regain lost peace of mind and stay calm in times of stress. In the case of smell, there are many patients who have shown an evident improvement in nervousness and anxiety after undergoing different aromatherapy techniques.

What are odors against stress?

The use of plants for healing and wellness purposes is something that has been known since ancient times and that is now being preserved by phototherapy. But we are used to taking plants for medicinal purposes in the form of infusions, in this case, relaxing and tranquilizing.

However, the vegetation has another more immediate healing power that is its aroma.  Through the fragrance of some plants and their flowers we can begin to feel better, to consider the environment more pleasant and to breathe more calmly.

The benefits of aromatherapy to relax

The smell given off by some plants and flowers is something that we should not lose sight of if we want to reduce stress and relax. These are all the benefits of aromatherapy for patients suffering from anxiety.

1 You will have more physical well-being

Aromatherapy will help you alleviate the physical discomfort that you have derived from stress. Recover physical well-being using the appropriate scents for your case.

2 It will help you feel better

In addition to giving you physical relief, smells will make you feel more comfortable.  Mental recovery is accelerated thanks to all those aromas that help you create a comfortable environment. Aromatherapy will help you disconnect your mind and make it travel.

3 You will relax and calm your nerves

Aromatherapy will help you calm down and calm your nerves. It can become your ally for your relaxation, essential to fight against the stress of everyday life.

4 It will relieve nausea caused by stress

Some patients suffering from stress feel nauseated when they do not know how to control their nerves. In these cases, the aromas will also help to alleviate this terrible discomfort.

5 You will recover your sexual desire

All those who notice their sexual desire decreased due to stress, will feel more relieved with aromatherapy. There are some aphrodisiac scents that will help you increase libido.

6 It will help you to end insomnia

Thanks to certain aromas, you will be able to sleep better. Insomnia is one of the most disturbing sleep disorders that can be suffered, so the help of aromatherapy is a relief.

How anti-stress scents are applied?

For aromatherapy to have affection and help us relax, it must be applied with one of these techniques. You can try several until you find the one that seems most comfortable for you.

Inhalation aromatherapy

It is the most common technique and it is about smelling the aromas indicated according to what you want to achieve. Diffusers can be used, a bowl of hot water in which we put a few drops of the essence or a handkerchief impregnated with the aroma that you will bring up to your nose to breathe it.

Aromatherapy massages

It is about applying the oils directly to the skin, giving a massage in the area to be healed.

Aromatic baths

To carry out this technique, which can help you impregnate yourself with anti-stress odors, you have to take a bath. Place a few drops of essential oil in the water and relax.

Hot or cold poultices

In this case, the help of a professional may be necessary. Poultices are pastes that are spread on gauze and put on the skin.

Precautions when applying essential oils

When applying essential oils, be careful not to put it on the eyes, wounds, mucous membranes or ingest them. Some professionals recommend not exposing yourself to the sun in case you have received a recent massage. Before using them in children, it is advisable to consult with the pediatrician.

The best scents to combat stress

Taking into account all these benefits of aromatherapy, it is worth discovering which the aromas that help us the most are. Let’s put our sense of smell to work!

If you want to recover calm through the fragrances of plants, you have a wide variety to choose from, depending on the specific function you want to give it.

Scents that help you relax

Orange, lemon, basil and lavender are the great allies of relaxation and tranquility. They are fresh aromas that help you clear your mind to take away all your worries. From that moment, the moment of relaxation will come.

Smells to achieve a calm environment

Lavender, jasmine and rose are the best aromas to relax and achieve a calm environment, while mint can help you clear your mind and reject everything that causes you stress.

What helps you lift your spirits?

For its part, if your degree of stress has already led you to apathy, the best smell to regain strength is that of cinnamon.

Aromatherapy to sleep better

And if what you want is for stress not to prevent you from falling asleep and getting the rest you need, nothing better than the smell of jasmine or lavender to resume the sleep cycle.

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