During the academic year there are moments with a high work demand. Our body, faced with this situation, responds by activating us to deal with it effectively. Therefore, this type of stress is necessary to adapt to the demands of the environment. The problem arises when the stress is maintained for a long time or is disproportionate. For this, many preventive […]

Academic stress: don’t let your nerves play tricks on you

During the academic year there are moments with a high work demand. Our body, faced with this situation, responds by activating us to deal with it effectively. Therefore, this type of stress is necessary to adapt to the demands of the environment.

The problem arises when the stress is maintained for a long time or is disproportionate. For this, many preventive measures can be taken that allow us to stay at the optimum level, which guarantees adequate performance.

Coping with academic stress

A correct planning: to carry out a good planning, it is necessary to set a long-term objective and intermediate steps in the short and medium term. For example: in the long term we set ourselves the objective of studying a complete subject and, in the medium term, we define the topics that we have to study weekly. Once we have defined both deadlines, based on the hours we have decided to dedicate, we structure what we are going to study in the short term, that is, every day, setting some daily objectives.

Preparation of the study environment. Setting a stimulus that tells us when to start the study task can be of great help. For example, a mobile alarm that marks the start of the time at which we have to start studying. In addition, during the time of the study, it is necessary to eliminate all those elements that can be considered a distraction (mobile phone, computer, etc.).

Get down to work: to make the study less burdensome, it is important not to go directly from a task that we like to study. In addition, if we start studying those subjects that are heavier for us and end with those that seem more entertaining to us, it will be more enjoyable for us. On the other hand, it is advisable to schedule breaks and reward ourselves for achieving our small goals since, in this way, it will help to associate study with pleasant activities.

Finally, it is important to bear in mind that in learning, perseverance is necessary to acquire the habit, and that habit is the best formula for managing academic stress.

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