You may think that stress is an inevitable part of your life, but it is not. We have proposed to relax, organize and have time to enjoy. In our plan there is no room for stress, rush, nerves, anxiety, or stress. Do you sign up for our anti-stress plan? Tips to live without stress 1 Organization. Learning the keys to a good […]

10 anti-stress tips for a year 2015 without nerves

You may think that stress is an inevitable part of your life, but it is not. We have proposed to relax, organize and have time to enjoy. In our plan there is no room for stress, rush, nerves, anxiety, or stress. Do you sign up for our anti-stress plan?

Tips to live without stress

1 Organization. Learning the keys to a good organization will reduce your stress and at the same time considerably increase your enjoyment time. Keeping an organized agenda at work, for household tasks and also for all those daily obligations will help you make the most of the day.

2 Mobile phone. New technologies are here to help us, but if we don’t use them well they can cause a lot of stress. That’s why limit the time you spend on social media and  forget about your mobile phone at night. Never, ever, go to bed as your mobile.

3 Meditation. it is still a great unknown, but meditation can help you a lot to reduce the stress that everyday life generates. Dedicate a few minutes a day to meditation and you will feel as if the day gave more of itself.

4 Time management. You don’t have time for everything, you’re in a hurry and you end up doing a thousand things at once; all poorly done Each obligation has a schedule and if you meet that schedule you will have become an expert in time management.

5 Breathing. Take a deep breath before continuing. If you see that stress is eating you up, it is best to stop, practice some breathing exercises and relieve tension. So you can continue doing everything you have to do with more energy.

6 Yoga. those who start practicing yoga never leave it because it is one of the most effective techniques against stress. It may seem like a waste of time, but the truth is that it works.

7 Aromas. one of the most effective natural remedies to combat stress is aromatherapy. Fill your house with the most relaxing aromas to eliminate your nerves without you noticing.

8 Sex. Stress is caused by accumulated tension, and tension is wonderfully released through sex. This is the reasoning reached by many people who consider sex one of the best treatments for stress.

9 Techniques. Look for your own anti-stress technique, because there are all kinds.  From hugging a tree to walking barefoot through the sand, to screaming like crazy or breaking a whole set of dishes. Do not cut yourself when it comes to venting.

10 Slow life. Try life slow, slow down, slow down and slowly enjoy every moment. Come back to the simpler pleasures, hot chocolate on the sofa or a relaxing walk in the countryside.

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